Notes of Interest


MARKUS GEGENHEIMER (via Fred Gahimer )

MARKUS GEGENHEIMER of Ittersbach, Germany has been researching the parochial registers of Ittersbach to document the genealogy. He feels that the Gegenheimers originated in Ittersbach and from there spread around the world. The name Gegenheimer appears for the first time in the parochial registers as "Geckenheimer" in 1569 in the birth record of Michel Geckenheimer, son of Jacob, on March 30, 1569.

Markus Gegenheimer has graciously agreed to share his research with all of us Gegenheimers who seek our roots, by displaying the results on the internet via this Gegenheimer Family Tree web site.

This will be accomplished by my inserting his results into my genealogy computer program on my computer, and then printing out a Descendant Tree, showing in a compact form, all of the known descendants. I will then send it to Tom Gegenheimer, the owner of the web site, who will display it. I will send updates as they are sent to me by Markus. Markus' work is of broad scope and still has a large time span to cover before we can expect to make connections to the Ittersbach Gegenheimers. I think we all will enjoy watching as the Gegenheimer tree grows in Ittersbach.

Fred Gahimer


Last Update: 07/20/97

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