The Gegenheimer History

Gegenheimer is the 40,664th most popular last name (surname) in the United States.

Based on a searched all 50 states for Gegenheimers listed in the 1992 phone search
directory, and have listed those states having Gegenheimers in decending
order of numbers.

40    LA
14    FL
  8    TX
  7    PA
  6    IL
  5    NJ, IN, CA
  4    NY, OH
  3    MA, CT, VI, MI, IA, CO
  2    GA, AZ
  1    MD, NC, TN, AL, MN, KS, NV, OR


Last Update: 07/20/97

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by TL Consulting Group - 

Copyright; 1998 by TL Consulting Group - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



Gegenheimers Around the USA