The Gegenheimer History

Philipp Heinrich Gegenheimer

Hello Thomas !

First I have to apologize for the really long time it took me
to reply, hope you are still interested.

I tried to find out little bit of my roots:

Me : Martin Gegenheimer, born 15.08.1967, Heidelberg
     I live in Hockenheim, a small town famous for it Formula 1
     race track near Heidelberg and study physics at the University
     of Karlsruhe.

My father:
     Richard Gegenheimer, born 11.03.1933, Heidelberg

My Grandfather:
     Richard Gegenheimer, born 9.11.1900, Ittersbach (near Karlsruhe)

My Greatgrandfather:
     Jakob Friedrich Gegenheimer, born 18.12.1865, Ittersbach

My Great-great-grandfather:
     Philipp Heinrich Gegenheimer, born 10.10.1815, Ittersbach

As you can see my ancestors come from Ittersbach. We could find
out that a brother of my great-grandfather moved to USA, but up to now
we could not find out his name and when he left Germany.

Enclosed you find a heraldic figure my family has and the text
that was written on its back.

Feel free to ask, if you have questions.

 - Martin

Text on the back of heraldic figure: (hope you can read that)
                        Geschlecht Gegenheimer.

Die Gegenheimer sind ein sehr altes ursprünglich Württembergisches
Geschlecht, welches im Jahre 1100. in Erscheinung tritt zum ersten male;
Gegenheimer Bernhard anno 1120. Markward von Geckingen anno 1200.

Geckingen Geggingen Gegingen und Gegenheim, waren die alten des
Geschlechts mit disen Namen woraus später Gegenheimer entstanden aber
ein und daselbe Geschlecht ist.  Namensbedeutung Ableitung von

Wappen in Silber darin ein roter Sparren
Helm mit rot und weiser Wulst darauf ein Pfauenschwanz
Decken rot und silber.
Das Wappen ist enthalten in Siebmachers Wappenbuch.

Translation Provided...

The Gegenheimer are a very old original Wurttemberg
Sex, which in the year 1100 in phenomenon occurs for the first time; Gegenheimer Bernhard anno 1120th Mark Ward of Geckingen anno 1200th

Geckingen Geggingen Gegingen and counter home were of the old Sex with disen name which later emerged, however, Gegenheimer one and there is sex. Derivation of name meaning Place names.

Crest in silver is a red chevron
Helmet with a red bead and wise on a fantail
Ceiling red and silver.
The emblem is contained in Siebmachers armorial.

Last Update: 07/20/97

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